Forensic Fiber Examiner Training Program

Consistent with a laboratory experiment book. This document offers exercises at each stage of the learning process to include time allotted for the exercise, materials to have on hand and objectives.

Forensic Fiber Examination Guidelines

  • Details all aspects of the examination process; consists of optional requirements
  • Primary audience is analysis and forensic science management

Process To Create

  • Needed a non-stop document that addressed the various steps in the examination process.
  • Drafts offered for community comment. Comments reviewed by the fiber subgroup and incorporated or denied.
  • All changes presented to the full SWG for their review. Final Draft voted on; if approved, submitted to ASTM for incorporation.
  • Enforcement - Voluntary


Forensic Fiber Examiner Training Program

Forensic Fiber Examination Guidelines

  1. Introduction to Fibers Chapter (2011 Update)
  2. Microscopy Chapter (2011 Update)
  3. UV-VIS Spectroscopy of Textile Fibers Chapter (2011 Update)
  4. IR and ATR Chapter (2014 Update)
  5. Fabrics and Cordage Chapter (2014 Update)
Fiber Evidence: Courtroom Education and Admissibility Response power point presentation

ASTM Standards

E2228 - 10 Standard Guide for Microscopic Examination of Textile Fibers

E2225 - 10 Standard Guide for Forensic Examination of Fabrics and Cordage

E2224 - 10 Standard Guide for Forensic Analysis of Fibers by Infrared Spectroscopy

E2227 - 13 Standard Guide for Forensic Examination of Non-Reactive Dyes in Textile Fibers by Thin-Layer Chromatography


Jennifer Remy, North Carolina State Crime Laboratory

Claude Roux, School of Chemistry and Forensic Science

William M. Schneck, Washington State Patrol Crime Lab

Glenn D. Schubert, Illinois State Police

Scott F. Stoeffler, McCrone Associates, Inc.

Sandy Parent, Texas Department of Public Safety Crime Laboratory - Austin

Doug Orr, National Centre for Forensic Services - Alberta

Kornelia Nehse, Der Polizeiprasident in Berlin, Textilkunde und mikromarphologie

Kevin McMahon, New Hampshire Department of Public Safety, State Police Forensic Laboratory

Cheryl Lozen, Michigan State Police

Sandy Koch, FBI Laboratory

Corresponding Members

Eileen A. Davis

Mark Kurowski, Acadiana Criminalistics Lab

Samuel J. (Skip) Palenik, Microtrace