2024 AAFS Conference Training Award
Deadline: January 1
ASTEE is pleased to provide a $500 travel award to attend the 2024 American Academy of Forensic Science Conference, February 19th - 24th in Denver, Colorado. More info about the conference can be found at:
In order to be eligible for the award, the applicant must be a member in good standing with ASTEE, traveling greater than 50 miles, and giving an oral or poster presentation. To be considered for this award, members should email an essay of a maximum of 1000 words detailing why they should be given this award, membership number, and details regarding the oral or poster presentation they will be giving at the meeting.
The above information should be emailed to:
ASTEE Awards Committee
In order to be considered for this award, applications must be received by January 1st 2024. If you have any questions, please contact us via email.
Travel Award (Inter/Micro)
Deadline: April 13
ASTEE is pleased to provide a $500 travel award to attend the Inter/Micro 2023 International Microscopy Conference, June 13th - 16th in Chicago, Illinois.
In order to be eligible for the award, the applicant must be a member in good standing with ASTEE, traveling greater than 50 miles, and giving an oral or poster presentation. To be considered for this award, members should email an essay of a maximum of 1000 words detailing why they should be given this award, membership number, and details regarding the oral or poster presentation they will be giving at the meeting.
Hooke College of Applied Sciences Training Award
Deadline: January 16
Training opportunities fulfill two important objectives of ASTEE, to improve our analytical capabilities and give us time to connect with other scientists. The Hooke College of Applied Sciences Training Award is meant to promote and support training in the field of Trace Evidence. This award is offered in partnership with the Hooke College of Applied Sciences. The award is given in the form of a registration for any upcoming course offered by Hooke College of Applied Sciences (course schedule can be found https://www.mccrone.com/courses/) and up to a $500 reimbursement for travel. Virtual training courses qualify for this award but will not include the $500 travel reimbursement.
Hooke College of Applied Sciences Training AwardEdmond Locard Award for Excellence in Trace Evidence
Deadline: June 1
This award is to be presented to an individual who has demonstrated excellence in the field of Trace Evidence. This award will be determined by nomination. Nominee must have a minimum of ten years in Trace Evidence and will have made a major contribution to the field of Trace Evidence. This could include teaching or training, presented or published research, or innovations in techniques, methods or instrumentation in the Trace Evidence field.
Edmond Locard Award InformationTravel Award
Deadline: August 20
A $500 travel award to attend the annual co-hosted ASTEE meeting.
In order to be eligible for this award, the applicant must be a member in good standing with ASTEE, traveling greater than 50 miles, and giving an oral or poster presentation. To be considered for this award, members should email an essay of a maximum of 1000 words detailing why they should be given this award, membership number, and details regarding the oral or poster presentation they will be giving at the meeting to the Awards Committee at asteeawards@gmail.com.
Scholarship Award
Deadline: February 17
This scholarship of $1000 and a 2-year student membership in ASTEE is to be presented to a student who has demonstrated academic excellence in the field of Forensic Science, with an emphasis in Trace Evidence. Applicants must be currently enrolled as a graduate student in a Forensic Science or related science program with plans on pursuing work in the Trace Evidence field. Applicants must demonstrate excellence in his/her academic program.
Scholarship Award InformationScholarship Award Application Form
Scholarship Award Recommendation Form
Professional Development Award
Deadline: September 16
The ASTEE Professional Development Award supports trace evidence training by providing funding for a McCrone Research Institute class and up to a $500 travel stipend. Virtual training courses qualify for this award but will not include the $500 travel stipend. The award is valid for the current year through September of the following year. Professional development activities not only deepen our knowledge and skills as professionals, they also energize us with a new enthusiasm.
Professional Development Award InformationResearch Grant Award
Deadline: August 3
This award of $1000 was created to promote research to advance the field of Trace Evidence. Applicants will submit a written research proposal less than 1000 words detailing their research goals, how the research will benefit Trace Evidence, the length of time anticipated to complete the research, how the grant will help them accomplish their research, and whether it is supported by their department. The applicant should also describe their background in Trace Evidence. The award recipient will be required to send a summary of their research results to the ASTEE Board of Directors within one year of receiving the grant. The recipient is encouraged to publish their results in the ASTEE Journal.
Research Grant Award Information